Saturday, March 14, 2015

{Keeping} :: Calendar of Firsts

A Calendar of Firsts is something I have been wanting to try doing for a year or so now. I just couldn't get a jump-start. But with reading through The Living Page, researching how others put one together, and with a new year and all, I just bit the bullet and jumped in. Because it is really just me right now anyway, making short comments to the kids about what I notice and suggesting we can enter it into our Calendar of Firsts.

I didn't really know how best to organize something like this, so to avoid spinning my wheels and procrastinating even longer, I just took Celeste's idea for inspiration and tweaked the images on the pages to represent things we see here in Texas. (Thanks, Celeste, for sharing by the way!)

Here is our "Nature Nook", where we keep all our field guides, brochures and informative pamphlets, along with our nature journals and Calendar of Firsts.

The cover of our Calendar of Firsts:

Calendar of Firsts: a month-by-month look at nature


And here is 2-and-a-half month's worth of progress...

January is pretty skimpy. I was still working my way into the groove of observing things :-)

February was a full (and crazy) month!
~Blooms, birds and arctic blasts~

We are excited to see that our Texas Redbud tree, which we bought and planted last spring, made it through the ice and snow. We've got its first blooms!


  1. This is fabulous, Kristyn--I love it! I love how you took mine and just ran with it. It looks wonderful. And isn't it fun? We had a super-busy February in our Calendar of Firsts too. :)

    1. I so appreciate your encouragement. I was hoping it wouldn't be too lame of me to steal your idea! And it is fun. And a process of training my thoughts to seek out and make observations of the world around me.
