I am going to share the results of how Mr. Laws helped me to observe in ways I had never considered before...and it is exciting! These are prompts from the Curiosity section of the book (pages 6-7).
Prompts to deepen observation:
I notice...
I wonder...
It reminds me of...
My Nature Journal Pages
I notice...Just take some moments to observe, examine, and see your subject-matter from various perspectives.
I wonder...
Come up with questions about your subject that you are curious about.
It reminds me of...
Anything goes here! (I thought this was fun) ...anything from a previous experience, a factoid or a physical object that may not even have anything to do with the subject-matter.
At the core of all science are insatiable curiosity and deep observation,
qualities that lead to the best kind of learning:
learning motivated by your intrinsic wonder, hunger to understand, and ability to observe.
-John Muir Laws